

Friend, CMate
The day when we're strangers, seeing you with my two eyes catch my attention. a little girl, a cute girl, a soft girl and a cold, a girl that touched me.

A friend that always say hi when ever you see me. A face have an innocent smile. A friend that I used to have an affection.

why? all of people god? why, she need to be ill. why you need to be cruel.
why I need to questioned you? Am I in the position to questioned you?

Am I overreacting?, Am I paranoid?, or I'm just insane?, no! I'm just worried and afraid losing her. losing that kind of friend that felt this is the end.

save her, save her, save her. even just one's, spare her. even half of my life being given. there's no regrets, and selfishness being thrown.

life is painful, behind the light is darkness, facing yourself, is like facing your own struggles. we need to be united to be strong, because human is weak alone.

so god from the button of my heart, from the deepest of heart, from the inner of my heart hear my voice, make the impossible, possible.