

. Existence .
Here I drift, a wisp in the vast expanse,
Merely dust in your gaze, underfoot in your dance.
Once a mighty oak, under whose boughs you'd repose,
Once a celestial spark, watched from afar as it glows.

Now, perhaps, I am naught but a whisper in the breeze,
Do you perceive my essence, or has it ceased to please?
I know silence will greet me, no answer to my plea,
Do you sense my spirit, or has it ceased to be?

Do you hold me in memory, a soul that once was dear,
A verdant refuge, a distant light, ever clear?
Am I but a fleeting thought, a shadow in your mind,
Or do I resonate still, in the heart left behind?

What purpose did I serve, in life's grand scheme?
Was I a mere fleeting dream within a dream?

© Nik Celeste