


COLLAB @poetesscreative X @The_Poet13

There are demons within me,
That needs to be set free,
The key to it, lies within.
There are demons within me.

These demons age me fast,
Fuel my rage, so cruel and vast.
Yet, within the fire they ignite
Perhaps I too, lost my light.

It makes me suffer and sick
So how could I win ?
I'm all alone, demon is everywhere
Save me from this torment, let victory begin.


Embrace the strength that lies within, you
Discover your voice, with passions that
inspires you !

Unleash your potential,let your spirit flow,
Surround yourself with love and support,
Transforming darkness into light, the fort.

So fear not the demons that may reside,
Within your mind, they'll eventually subside.
You rewrite your story, with passion untamed,
A teenager's mindset, forever unashamed !

© The_Poet13 X @poetesscreative