

Many people know what they want to be in life others...not so much

There are those, fresh out the womb, that want to be doctors. They grew up and there they are... MD's ...PHD.
What about me?
What do I want to be?

Some draw it out in crayon, on paper
They dream, play dress up and have fun
Ten years later, when all that's done
They realize that, "That's no fun"

Switched lanes and an aspiration later
They've found the perfect career for themselves
They made up their minds...twice
I've never even done it once yet

Then there is "the rest"
Those that never "fit in"
Never got it right
"This is it! The career for me."
Those words sound like a distant dream
"That's not a job, it's a hobby"
"You'll never make it"

These dreamers
They always fascinate me
They have so much untapped potential
Their passion runs endlessly

Society tries to fit it all into one thing;
But this certainly cannot be contained
"Hobbies get you no where"
"Get your head out the clouds"
Society's favorite suppressors
To keep you down

Remember, while they are still shooting
You're already there
Those clouds you 'dream' in
It's there they are aiming

Told to come out, yet
"Shoot for the stars"
Why shoot for what you already are?

Look around
These 'dreamers' of yesterday
They made the very things
Society fights over today

The fast cars,
Latest model,
Hottest brands
They'll pay to get a piece
of your Wonderland
It'll be your time

Rome was not
built in a day
Don't rush
You'll figure it out
I'll wait

Your dreams are gonna change the world
© ChosenC