

Why are you...
Why are we going after wealth generation??? Or losing wealth over the years in the bargain ???
I have been witnessing for a previous couple of years the older generation is investing in real estate for their children.
But children want to go abroad for jobs & studies and never want to come back and settle in our country. These properties lying vacant without any ownership either go to politicians' kitty or government accounts or do slums come up in open space???
Who is the loser in this whole game????
Our next traditional investment is in gold, and silver items. And since it is risky to handle, it is kept in a bank locker. Putting it in the bank puts an end to its use and we enrich the bank with locker rent and locker deposits. Investing in gold and silver is often very emotional. It is not considered practical as we feel inauspicious selling them in times of crisis or bad times.
The young generation prefers to wear fake rather than genuine jewelry as they do not want to take risks. In the, end the fake jewelry shines too much.
The next point to bring everyone's attention is the old parents had bought and invested in a lot of physical shares but due to their age, sickness or old thoughts didn't demate them these shares are in cupboards and younger generations are no time to demat it due to it's legal an issue as a lot of nominees weren't mentioned while taking shares.
The next Is our' parents' wealth in bank accounts, insurance, mutual funds, and lockers as many of them don't have nominations and children don't have time to look and get it converted in their accounts it goes to banks and financial accounts companies kitty as unclaimed.
A thought to contemplate & ponder???
By Jawahar B Lalla.

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