

I read about the fairies, and now they live in me.
There's a different world in my mind.
Different from the one we live in.
And there live the fairies I read about
When I was hardly nine.
I go there only at 3 AM.
The time, when I would be tired
Of thinking about a trillion things.
The time when it's only me, who's awake. Left
When the entire world would've already slept.
I borrow some colour from the rainbow there,
And decorate my scars.
There's a recorder in a corner,
In which, the fairies have preserved the lullabies that my granny used to sing. I turn it on, and slowly,
The cacophony of my thoughts become fainter and finally vanish.
The void that I had been surviving with, gets filled with its melodies.
The fairies then hand me a glass,
I pour some poems in it and get drunk on them.
And then, I open my eyes to find,
That I have successfully survived another night,
And also became one of the few persons,
To witness the first rays of light.
I pick up a pen and a paper,
And muse the fairies that I read about,
When I was hardly nine.
The fairies who now live in me.
To give them all shout out, for helping me to survive the night.
And when I meet everyone in the dining table,
"You don't sleep. We've never seen you sleeping.
How do you survive? " they say.
"Tell them" says the fairies that live inside me.
"Tell them that they sleep and dream.
But you? You stay awake and see the dreams happening before you."
But I smile and pour some tea in my cup and avoid them. Because I know, they would never believe, that the fairies that I used to read about, now live in me.
#poem #poetry #latenightthoughts #imaginations #fairies @writco

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