


My mind is messy,
with my messy hairs,
I don't know what to do,
When the situation blank my mind,
with a burden of problems,
why I am stuck here,
when I just want peace,
I asked for a peace,
when i got the heist,
I don't know what to do,
as I got a headache,
from studies to things,
That was left pending,
even when I trying to finish,
why I am so lazy and shy,
what even I am not lazy,
But depressed from the things,
Then I got a big problem,
what should I do,
And I think I got a new problem,
Adding to the previous one,
there will a mountain,
what should I do,
because it's increasing day by day,
like a rainy drop to become oceans,
what should I do,
I cannot say to anyone as
I am shy to open up,
Or even share a little to others,
Afraid of them,
That they'll judge on their moods,
what should i do,
maybe I should just sleep.

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#lazy #inspirational #depression #sad #alone