

Your Soul's Last Touch
If you let go tonight would you have regrets?
The longing of your heart and things you would want to forget.
Are you ready to leave this earthly home,
Knowing that your entire life wasn't blown?
Wasted within the windswept moments of time lost,
Between sands of your soul and painful costs.
Would your life be eroded like weathered stones and meaningless bones?
What will be written on your tomb stone?
Will you be remembered as one who awesomely lived,
Or just for the awful things you did?
Would you be considered a blessing and a kind soul,
Or someone who was just blessed, hoarded your good fortune and heartlessly cold?

If you let go tonight would those you left behind remember your name?
Would you be revered or blamed,
For their joy or pain, or would your memory just go up in a ball of flame.
Would the world be better off having known you and people glad you came?
Did you choose to live a harrowing existence,
Or one filled with hope and inspirational persistence?
Would your karma be good or bad?
Don't let your legacy be non-existent and sad,
Good or evil...the choice is yours,
Seek the goodness that your heart endures,
Ponder on these things and remember you will reap what you sow,
So make your last touch be meaningful before you let go.
© Audrey Malcolm
