

Prove It
In a world where doubt had cast its thorny shade,
A woman wandered, her heart afraid.
She questioned the love that he professed,
Wondering if it was sincere or just a jest.

But with the passage of time's relentless tide,
He showed her love that could not hide.
His actions spoke louder than any word,
A symphony of devotion, undeterred.

Through countless trials and endless years,
He proved she was his deepest fears.
He held her hand in both calm and storm,
His love, unwavering, in every form.

In her darkest moments of self-doubt,
He'd wipe away each tear, without a shout.
He showered her with affection and care,
A love so true, it was beyond compare.

And as she witnessed his unwavering devotion,
Her doubts began to fade like a distant ocean.
She realized, with eyes now open wide,
That he was her anchor, her love's eternal guide.

Their bond grew stronger with every passing day,
They became each other's sun, chasing doubts away.
For in one another, they found solace and grace,
Their doubts transformed into a steadfast embrace.

With time's gentle touch, their love did thrive,
Both realizing they had all they needed to survive.
For he showed her she was his heart's refrain,
And she showed him he was her eternal flame.

In a symphony of love, their doubts were laid to rest,
Their souls entwined, their hearts truly blessed.
For in their journey, doubts turned to trust,
And their love became a story that forever adjusts.
© NightSwimThePoet