

Willing prisoners
Shackles heavy,
and yet still gentle in their firm grip.
Viced so nicely upon my heart.
when you said hello,
I was a goner from the start.
Trapped under your gaze like a back to a corner.
Like a panther in a cage.
But it did not come.
Not worry, nor rage.
For by my capter,
My heart has been swayed.
I will not call for aid,
and I dare not look a way.
For I fear, a trick,
my mind has played.
So, in your gaze I remain locked.
praying that you won't look away.
Praying your heart,
I could sway.
and that with me, you'll stay.
You seem as struck as I.
Glued to this spot, with feet so stuck.
Has you brain also spent,
and heart run a muck?
I am so baffled by our intensity,
but it feels like luck.
Because just like me,
you like being stuck.

© Plumm V Fleur

#poem #poetry #writcopoem #writcoapp #writer #poet #Love&love #Life&Life