

Why detachment and dispassion are significant even in the context of passion and involvement.
All the consequences mentioned below are the outcomes of the surrender that comes with the falling of your false identity (ego) of knowing that you are something. Very few will understand that falling is important for real success. It is a state of dissolution. A journey that takes you from gross to subtle. The more subtle you become, the closer you have come to the divine. It can also be seen that you have been merged back into the divine.

1: With the grace of the divine, Pashu is transformed into Veera:

By following righteous conduct (dharma), one has been showered with the capabilities of transcending the vasanas of five senses, such as attachment, delusion, distorted vision, selective hearing, disconnections from the simple joys of life, insensitivity to spiritual smell, numbness of emotions, and the list goes on.

2: Clarity:

Detachment helps to gain clarity by reducing unwanted emotional clutter. It can make you take decisions based on rationality.

3: Contentment and inner peace:

It comes with the sense of doing what’s...