

A Battle in my mind
Invisible chains bind my thoughts
Swinging from extreme to extreme
Each mood shift a rollercoaster ride
Fear and anger, sadness and love

BPD they call it
A label that doesn't quite fit
For the turbulent storm within me

I am always teetering on the edge
Of losing control and letting go
Clutching at straws in desperation
To keep myself grounded

Some days I am a phoenix rising
From the ashes of self-doubt
Resilient and fierce, ready to conquer
The world's challenges with ease

But other times I am a broken doll
Tossed aside by careless hands
Feeling empty and numb inside
Lost in a sea of uncertainty

It's hard for others to understand
The constant battle raging within me
One moment laughing, the next in tears
Struggling to find stability

Therapy sessions are like lifelines
Anchoring me when I feel adrift
But even there, the doubt creeps in
Whispers telling me I'm beyond help

I long for peace and acceptance
To silence the chaos inside my mind
But each day is a new struggle
A dance between lightness and darkness

I hold onto faith
That strength will emerge from weakness
And courage will triumph over fear
In this never-ending battle with BPD.
© MeganWolf