

Love Across the Miles: A Long-Distance Melody
In the vast expanse, where miles reside,
Love's journey takes a daring stride.
Long-distance whispers, a tender thread,
Connecting hearts, where dreams are spread.
Through screens and wires, emotions sail,
Love's compass guides, even through the gale.
Across the miles, in the space between,
A love story, resilient, and yet unseen.
Each message sent, a digital kiss,
Virtual embraces in moments of miss.
Time zones may tease, yet hearts align,
In the dance of love, a rhythm so fine.
Stars may witness, from skies above,
A love unfolding, strong and true, like a dove.
Bridging the gaps with words and calls,
A testament to love that enthralls.
Through the silence of night and the glare of day,
Long-distance love finds its own way.
Patience the key, as time takes its toll,
Yet love persists, a flame in the soul.
In the distance, love grows strong,
A melody of hearts, a timeless song.
So in this separation, let love be the guide,
For in the heart's journey, love will abide.
© nishitgangwar
#writco #poem