

Stranger In Your Dream
This will be the last time I write about you.
The last drop from my bleeding heart fell out of its shell.
Its lifeline has gone flat, I no longer care what you do.
The look in your eyes has no remorse,
So of course I have to do what's best for me and move on.
It's a sad truth that I didn't want to believe but now I know it's me that has to leave.
You can't blame me for trying.
Now that my tears have dried up there will be no more crying.
So this will be the last time I write about you.
I've beat myself up long enough, it's been rough but I have to know what I'm worth before I can ever know yours.
If you ever get the chance to change, take it.
It's better than living your life trying to fake it.
At least that's how I see it.
There's no sense waiting for someone to want you.
So I'm going to do what I got to do, maybe you should too.
You can do better, you know it's true.
So this will be the last time I write about you.
Sincerely yours the stranger in your dream.