

drowning in tears and anger
the punching that dosent stop
the bag is battered and stained with
the blood of my knuckles fall to the floor
which I collapse on and let out a cry
of help or sadness or anguish or anger
or the feeling of my heart being ripped apart
or that my whole world is shattering
or that everything is falling apart
to tiny jigsaw pieces
miniscule shards of glass
smashes against the wall
as music plays through my ears
and I cry out so many tears
that I think I cant breath
as I am underwater drowning in my sorrows
watching all the others swim by

they told me to dive
but they didn't tell me not to hold my breath
so I drown in my tears
that fall to the floor
taking out my pain
the blood from my knuckles
stain the battered bag
the punching dosent stop

the violence never ends

© ewrites

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