

I Wish I Was Alive That Morning
This is for suicide victims due to depression.

As soon as the sun rise from its spot,
I gasped and took the last breath.
It was so quiet.
That even silence is unbearable to hear.

Floating, I feel like I'm floating in the air.
I look around, on the marbled floor;
Droplets of blood have stained its color.
The thin air harmonizes the rusty odor.
I caught a glimpse of my tiny body on top of the messy bed.
It was so awful to look at.
I felt pity just taking a glimpse of it.

Am I already dead?
Yet, a question is answered right in front of me.
Afloat, tried to touch my own hand,
But I couldn't,
That sense was gone.

I could hear how the birds sing softly outside the window,
Too bad, they could not see me and play with them in the meadow,
And tis' too early to yearn how it feels like being on the ground,
Where my bare feet touch the surface with a sound.

From the kitchen, I could hear my mama and papa talking,
Whatever that comes to their mind and liking,
This is what I would miss the most in their daily routine,
Especially when mama knocks at my door so early in the morning.

I stared back at my lifeless body,
If only I could scream, beg for help from somebody,
So, this poor soul of mine could go back,
And never ever will I be going to a place of pitch black.

But, I guess it is too late for me,
When all of a sudden I see something,
A ray of light is formed in front of me,
As if saying " come dear child, look and see".

I turned to look how pale my body was,
Then tears fall and I make a hopeless sob,
Crying so hard, regrets flooded all over me,
So scared of everything I did; it seems I'm falling,
Seeking for forgiveness, praying and wishing I was alive that morning. 
© melai2020