

Love is a mere feeling
Yes, I love her
and yes she loves me too
yes we care
and yes we share,
everything we share
be it a good memory
or a sudden low feeling,
be it a funny story or
something weird.
I love her
and she loves me too.
But , hey stop we are not a couple
Stop tagging us,
pointing at us.
Stop shushing when we are around,
stop making us weird when we are out.
She is my friend, oh no sorry my best friend
She is my counseller, my philosopher,
my love life advisor and yes my soulmate.
She is my soulmate. Yes my soulmate
and I do love her.
And I will continue to,
you judgy looks will not stop me.

People make jokes on us,
and they judge us,
you gossip, you share, you care
and you send "ily" texts
and claim you are not a couple.
They say all those things are only done when you are in love?
Oh, you filthy hags,
what do you know of love.
Is a mother sacrificing her career not love?
Is a father working all day for his child not love?
Are teachers taking care of you,
consoling you, councilling you,
and making you a better person not love?
Is always saving a bite of your tiffin or your favourite chocolate for your friend not love?
Then tell me waht I feel for my friends and my parents and teachers is?
Give it a different name.
Have you tried sending a "ily" text ever,
to your parents or maybe your friends,
it is not a couples thing.
Trust me it is merely a feeling
and you should not be scared to feel it.

Sometimes I get angry on such people
Call them dumb, call them by names
Cry for why don't they understand.
But sometimes it is pity that I feel,
how pitiful is their soul
which confuses mere physical attraction love.
Which names the attraction the only love.
Which claims love has various kinds.
No, you soulless people,
Love is a feeling,
a mere feeling,
and trust me
it is okay to love your friend.
It is okay to express it freely.
It really is okay.

© 🟡🟡daisy🟡🟡