

Surprise Surprise
I think springing out
of a cuckoo clock
Might catch them off guard

I leave consistency to
Prevent codependency
That hums at my door

I stay away
For my presence
My persistent presence —
May hurt me even more

For I'd be met with more downs
Than ups
The air reeks of disappointment
And I'd be clouded in dust

So I'd rather come and go
Make you guess
When the wind might blow

The less you know
Tightens this bow
This present may be my
Surprise presence

And so my heart
Remains cloaked
It clenches and sighs
It becomes the running joke

I stab my chest
Before you can reach for a blade
A blade I have made
up to believe
That you'll eventually deceive

I guess my thoughts
Is the real thief

© JKeMac