

if you have a plan. a real plan that you took many many years making. you write it out you talk it out you get it analized so well that you are ready. even sowed your oats.
bow you you might not have been in the mansion or the mazaeatie or value of money . however , in evwryway you can look into the mirror and mind and say your clean and educated enough to be ready for the responsibility for the one thing in life that matters to you so much twenty years helped you get there.
you were healthy working out for into treatment and unleashed all the habits and had a glow so bright that it made the universe notice you.love was finally coming. then someone who saw your greatness and growth thought the wrong thing and assumed another and went in front of tour Finnish line and started saying your story to them and getting support and hope from then while in the background tore your work and self down to something so terrible that they literally showed it to them like this is just the way you are and disregarded all the time and energy . raped me abused me literally said to me that they were going to make sure no manager will ever love me. and the abuse drown me and he was to consumed by this new way of life he saw he forgot and he agrees with them and they literally plan to kill me because of it.
can someone please explain to me wwby someone would be OK with watching so done they have k own their while life be put in the ground by saying you didn't try enough. this took my inner child NAD I buried her . in the mean time I am trying to just be happy. they are perfect of course never had the time to talk to me or find out any reason. basically didn't acknoledge my existence . ibmean he put so much energy into making a lyer into a justidied piece of sgit while they happily lived in my dream a and used my money to do it.

wow. please tell me there are souls left in the world.

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