

Just Because

Just because, I care
Does not mean it's okay
Trying hard to create a better
Because, I have had my share
Of rough days
Working the mind...plus my body
Exercises to stay sharply groom
Hard times are here then gone
What would be like...
A balloon that can fly away
If used

Painting my world, with words
Going to reach past the stars
Aiming for the moon
Color conscience, power to pull
Plan on making ones heart swoon
For words painted perfect
Are fitted like color on a glove
I believe in the invisible string
Where you can hear the thoughts
Of the one your heart loves

Just, because I care
Means I am strong
But can walk away
Invisible string may pull
It can also snap...
If unkind things come to play
" Connection"
Means it goes both ways
Not just for a minute
Be kind everyday
© Cynthia Inouye 6-14-2021