

. Echoes of the Unheard .
In whispers low, the heart's true plea is lost,
Our actions judged, our motives misconstrued.
Misunderstood, we walk through life's harsh frost,
The world is blind to our truest intent pursued.

And silent cries, in night's cold grasp confined,
But all we find is noise, in endless strife.
Each word we speak, seems lost within the wind,
Our hearts are heavy, burdened with life's rife.

With every step, we're judged by unseen eyes,
Their verdicts harsh, our silent screams defied.
So here we stand, alone yet side by side,
We'll find our way, 'neath dawn's forgiving skies.

In whispers shared, we seek the dawn's soft glow,
Yet in this world, our truth remains shadowed.

© Nik Celeste