

The pages of my old book,
Hold my memories of better days

Days when everything went right,and my dreams were at arms length.
But now those days are gone,and my dreams uncertain.

I would have imagined I'd be famous by now,perhaps directing,however perplexing,and acting in movies,no worries of being self conscious.
And having my own cartoons running steadily always readily accessible for all to enjoy.

But alas that is not the case for today. I sit on this bed of dread,and write my plight of defeat which I dare not try to be discreet. An awful mess of tortured deceit.
A pungent aroma of falsified
formidable fallacies.
Scrutinized horribly by heinous hypocrites.

Delicious delicate daring danger.
To have a dream that hasn't happened is truly gruesome.

© dimples5feet3