

Covid Tales

Corona changed not just mine
But everyone's life .
Truly agree this weaken our economy
As well left us too financially weak.

However I learnt to live with positivity
Able to focus more on my creativity .
This pandemic changed our Ability
Not in a wrong side but towards purity .

Everyone, everywhere is cursing this corona
I too pray this will end soon and
we all come out from unbearable trauma.

Though I noticed few things which
Make me feel good.
Pollutions on our earth just got
Drastically reduced.
I can see the beautiful sky without burning my eyes.
I can breathe the most clean air & feel the vibes.
I can hear chirping of birds
As they were asking food & care from us .
I can listen the music of serene silence
No honks, no noises coming from my doors.
I can count how we saved from things
Which were not even required for long.
We started spending on our needs and
Surprisingly we all cutdowns our greeds.
I can see the unity in our homes &
in our country as we all became one big family .
Feeling proud when we all are aware & followed.
Social distancing is what we all have to obey
Wearing mask is important to keep movie away.

Every coin has two sides.
This corona scared me too
Till the time I was in fear, instead of
Following what our government decides.
Later I realised and spread awareness
Through my words to ignite other minds.
The best lesson I learnt in movie,
No one can beat you until you won't give up.
I was in a fear of loosing my loved one's
Now my motive is to keep them safe &
Make them strong.

Though financially we are getting weak & weaker
However we are happy as we all are safe and we all are together .

A humble request to all my knowns & unknowns
Please Stay positive along with your loved one's.