

Love, The Ultimate Underdog.
Would you believe me if I say,
Hate rules the world and
Love is the ultimate underdog.
That Things don't crash on the ground because they love Earth,
but Earth hates their flights
and hatred grounds them.
That smile is not The best emotion you can offer,
But tears hold more meaning.
That a hug can heal the receiver,
But slap heals many givers.
That healing takes time
But inflicting pain
happens in a blink of an eye.
That humans have not evolved
because they loved superiority,
But because they hated inferiority.
That you tear a rose
from its bud out of love,
But that hate masquerading as love
has robbed rose of its life.
That Love is spineless, crippled and weak, and fragile,
It's a slave of emotions and Time.
And Hate stands firm
Independent, cruel tall
and Strong.

© Shafat_Ibne_Ali