

Title : Why?
by @EmpressMaire

There's a lot of questions in my mind
Like a rain fall in my heart
Worries? Random thoughts?
Mixed emotions?
Why I have to feel this all?

I laugh not cry when I'm in pain
I smile not frown when I'm sad
Why do I need to reversed it all?
Why do I need to keep all in my heart?

I feel sour and bitter mids in brain
Feeling down and hight at once?
What is this?
Why? I'm so upset!
I'm not in a game but need to play this life.

Sun is shining dark is coming
Moon is brightly shown in the sky
Cool breeze spread
Consuming my every random feelings
Why? I just can't pinpoint this all
Why? I'm so affected!

Life is so unfair! And fair at time
Why it's so complicated?
Can I just leave the way I want?
But it is not! Life is a road!
A road of unforseen destination.

If only, my life is like a novel
I can review, revise, rewrite and edit it
That I can control all the situation
The way I want to be
But it is not!
Why it's so hard? And light as well?

Can I just erase all pain and suffering?
Just like a sketch in the middle of purities
Can I just walk without hesitation and worries?
Can I just shout all the hindrance in my heart?
Why do I need to suppress?

I'm an artist without name
I'm a model without face
I'm a particle of nothingness!
I want to be free!
But... Why it's so hard?

I'm a star in universe
Soaring in the sky
Competing the light shine in the dusk
Surviving and growing
I wanna be free from darkness!
But, why? It is not right and not wrong too.

Then there I learn
Without darkness it's impossible to shine
Without fear, it's impossible to be brave
Without pain, it's impossible to be strong
That's why, why life is balance.
