

Why why why?
my country, the worm heart of Africa
well georgraphicaly positioned, very small with good physical features.
it's really good to born and being raised in this country.

It was very nice when schools were introduced to you, we thought our country is going to be deveroped since we will have our own doctors , nurses, teachers,lectures, prophesors, drivers etc.but school came out with strange out comes.it just improved many people's tactics and tricks of taking govement's money into personal pockets.

Our contry registers one of the most poorest country but people in government are stingy, they think about themselves and they don't care about us in the villages, staving.
there is a very big distance from poor to rich people, government authorities are busy increasing their own salaries and we the primary teachers, hospital doctors, nurses stack on very little salary.

Government school fees is being increased yearly, scholaships are going to the people who can afford to pay school fees for themselves and we poor people have no chance.lectures have to be bribed for us to have place in government universties.indeed school is for rich people.

bussiness people takes advantage over disasters we face.
prices rises in times when comodities are in need.
Maize price is being raised in times of femine.
nose mask and gloves prices are bieng raised in times of Corona virus.
rich people they continue being rich and poor no chance to make it in life
hypocricy, disctimination, priminent feeling is being in these rich people.

we poor people have no say,
we do demostrations showing our anger tear gass and live bullets are being used by police , we can't expresse our feeling
our votes doesn't change anything, we vote then Boom!! so many iregularities then one anounced the winer is the one who keeps on stilling our money.

hmmm! each and every president when his time to move out reach he runs a way out side the country and you hear that he stolen millions of kwachas in his reign.

this is our life and this is how we live
onlyGod knows

by timvex