

As beautiful as Narcissus, and as problematic as Hades

I swear, you don't need a mouth to throw the words as blades

It's better to look the other way because your eyes are a loaded gun.

You don't tell the truth, but you've never uttered a single lie.

Keep it pristine; nobody will lose if you call it a tie.

But you simply don’t know how to compromise

To accept the emphasize on that one part I know you need it highlighted the most

To summarize it all before you miss and hit into the bedpost

The blood is not rushing anywhere because the veins in your legs are thrombosed

It’s not a surprise at all; you are not as smart as you thought you’d be

Newton, but no apple fell from the apple tree

You missed the open door, kissed the doorpost and lost a tooth

Next time just tell the whole truth

With the tongue silky smooth

And the eloquence which you rule

Use it once the right way, and I might think of you as cool

Such a gorgeous face wasted on an arrogant jerk

An useless and an overpriced artwork.

© Juliet Jeyn