

Missing the Clouds

In skies of azure, once they roamed free,
Those billowed dreams, now gone from me.
Their shapes danced by in endless streams,
Now lost, I mourn, in shattered dreams.

I miss the whispers of their flight,
Soft whispers lost in the dead of night.
Their gentle touch upon my skin,
A fleeting moment, now lost within.

Oh, how I long to reach up high,
To touch the clouds as they pass by.
But they elude me, ever so sly,
Leaving me beneath the empty sky.

So here I stand, with arms outstretched,
Yearning for the clouds I once fetched.
But they have vanished, without a trace,
Leaving me alone in this empty space.

Yet still I hope, though they may roam,
That one day they'll return to call home.
Until then, I'll gaze upon the blue,
And dream of clouds, both old and new.

© Sisco Puentes