

I'm fighting with myself again
I'm fighting with myself again
but this time for a different reason
before it was live or die
now its does he love me or is it all for show

he says he loves me
but so have others and they were lying
he says I'm beautiful
but so have others that now call me ugly
he says he's always here
but so have others and they're all gone now
I says hell always care and help
but so have others and left immediately when it got bad

do I believe him or no
half of me does
the other half doesn't
I want to
I should
I know he's saying what he believes
but what if he changes his mind
what if he's just like everyone else
but I can't think of him like that
because hes better than that
he wouldn't lie to me
I'm fighting with myself again
but this time I know what side I want to win
I don't want him to be like everyone else

© moon