

The unkept promise
Just like every other sunset in the horizon
I remember the promise you made that day
When the sun was still up in the horizon
That you'd wait till the sun goes down

Just like the footprints disappear along with each coming wave
The value of those words losses it weight with each passing day
The sunset kept it's promise and it'd showed up again
And now all that i have is the unkept promise and the sunset

Wings I have got to fly far away
Yet I still wait under the same sunset just incase you'd show up
The same breeze that flirted with your hairs yesterday
Came lurking around to see you but in vain

I don't know where to look out for you in these vastness
I could only hum with the music of the solitude
Reminding myself that every moment spend waiting for you is worth a wait
Because I've learnt how to rhyme with symphony of life alone.

© thepurplefeathers