

My Sleepless Nights
My sleepless nights
How they plague me so
I write down my thoughts
And turn on a show

I get up and pace
And sit down and think
I look at the stars
And make me a drink

I think about life
And where it will end
I text all my friends
But never hit send

I think of my past
And what all I've done
I remember the pain
And I miss all the fun

The silence I hear
At this time of night
Is eerie sometimes
But always feels right

The world is asleep
But my mind is chaotic
I can hear my own rhythm
And It's almost hypnotic

Can you find yourself
In the silence within
Before dawn comes to light
To expose you again

My thoughts are infectious
As my diary bleeds
Into all these words
To share all my needs

Can you help me cope
With this heart in my mind
It is certainly burdened
It is crippled and blind

Maybe one day
I will have my own peace
But it's shattered right now
I have only a piece

I'm searching my soul
But I can't find the me
That I lost long ago
Oh where can it be

My sleepless nights
How they plague me so
I guess I'll go sit
And finish my show

~ DieselSS
© DieselSS