

Twisted Era

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Men's becoming women,
And women becoming children,
Rich, yet difficult to eat,
Because the outside couldn't welcome our feet,
Brothers becoming enemies,
To protect their lives,
Lovers neglecting each other, to stay farer,
Mankinds and winds were not in good terms,
Due to its nature of contagiousness,
Corruption finds it root,
To spread it wings across the street,
Cries of many all over the cage,
escaping into the neighborhood,
While the middle and lower class,
laydown their precious lives,
To save the others,
The upper class are acquiring riches,
The days where visitors, are seen as predators,
The days when no man fall down,
and other tends to help him up,
The days when you sneeze, you are curse, instead of hearing, "Blessing",
The days of no loves, instead mind your business..
The days when men are ghost/zombies,
To each others..

© Aniedi Victor David