

what do i want

i guess i have never known
since childhood i was told
to stay simple and obedient
do not cause problems for others

so i have been creating characters
imaginary friends who lived
searching for answers through trial
able to bare their true emotions

sitting alone on the sidelines
i mused over their accomplishments
and finding their equals who love them
for who they were

maybe there is a piece
of me deep inside who use to believe
that someday it would happen
I would find the same

but reality has a sadistic sense of humor
by putting those who give too much
together with those who like to take
until your hollow to the bone...

I have spent way too many evenings
lost within my own head
unable to break free
because the hurt happened so often

after a decade
it became safer to live vicariously
then attempt to find a reason
for my own happiness

so what do i want
