

A Question
Will it remain same
Or things will change
A question in my mind
If I go back again

Never doubted myself
For the decision I made
But the result today
Makes me think twice
The path I chose for me
Is it right
Now, looking back in time
Will it remain same
Or things will change
A question in my mind
If I go back again

At first everything was awesome
But as time passes
It became stressful
The harder I try
The deeper I fall
The highest I was
The lowest I became
With mind full of doubts
Eyes with tears
Will it remain same
Or things will change
A question in my mind
If I go back again

Thinking again and again
Ending up in same path
The decision is same
In every situation
Trying slowly
Getting back on track
From lowest to moderate
From moderate to highest
Everything is back on track
From teary eyes to bright eyes
After enduring failure
Everything will remain same
The answer to
The question in mind
If I go back again
© sha_writes