

A Foot Path Programme
In a tongue Repellent in tone
My words drills a spiral doctrine
Of substantial metallic conviction
A pleasingly weaved bush house spontaneously hopeful to burn

When I seal my strolls home I reside in resistance
Recoiled only by heavenly fury rumbling above lost souls
I close my curtains to raise my eyelets to the text only its tenancy embrace without blink
A well baked temple with walls where I could paint my prayers
Where an everlasting day harvest benedictions my deed sow

Where as the night conducts its orchestra in consonants that click on Beelzebub's finger prints
Else where confirms duality's firm fist with seasons
But I grew horns in my dreams
For wearing tight fitting reflections clinging with grinning teeth on time's prehensile pride
A floating expectancy fluctuates on given currency
Trails of my predetination traded
Exclusive day light tap dancing songs attuned
Recording moves ahead with time behind my mind
An endurance outwardly articulated
Break dance on moon walk tossed skulls and bones, shells and precious stones questioning my sensory respond
A heart beat pattern for my salvation is drawn
I am ambitious to dress warmer habits rags of my toils
And conclude a curriculum today for tomorrow.
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