

Stand Up For All Mankind
We've retreated to self-isolation. The world is no longer as we knew it. Yesterday, there wasn't peace but we could freely breathe. Today, it's isolations, lockdowns and quarantines.

Not so long ago, we filled the streets that are now empty. We roamed around aimlessly, and partied madly. But now the world is standing still, overwhelmed by the ill. As covid-19 threatens to bring the world to its knees.

We are confined, as we wait for the spread to be contained, the news keep us apprised; as we take it day by day. We've lost our loved ones, through this bedeviled virus. Impatient and anxious, to live our daily lives.

Normalcy is fading as new reality surfaces. We are locked in, braced for darkest times we've ever seen. We are deprived of our freedom, and we grow impoverish. We are losing our wisdom as paranoia settles in.

But we won't stop exchanging blows with this invisible foe. Never will it be the life we know but we'll adapt; we'll grow. Staying home isn't cowardice, but a plan to keep infections minimized. Keep safe and sanitize, stand up for all mankind.