

Not Today #metoo
In shadows deep where courage wanes,
A woman stands, her heart in chains,
Footsteps echo, fear takes flight,
Yet in her soul, there burns a light.

With doors locked tight, she finds her might,
Holding breath, she stands to fight,
Against the darkness, cold and grim,
She finds her strength, her inner hymn.

The night is silent, yet she knows,
The danger near, its presence grows,
But in her eyes, a fierce display,
Of bravery that won't decay.

Her weapon gripped, her stance held true,
She battles fear, she fights anew,
Against the violation's tide,
With every ounce of will inside.

In silence, she defies her fate,
A warrior in a lone debate,
With heart and soul, she stands, she roars,
In courage, she forever soars.
© RoslynsMusings