

I’m focusing on the good, I’m focusing on you.
I’m focusing on the good,
trying to remember where I once stood…
Because latley life’s been a little blue.
So here I am focusing on you.

People just keep pushing me down,
and in my own tears I start to drown.
Until I see your name on my phone,
and suddenly im not so alone.

To him, I always have so much to say
He genuinely likes hearing about my day.
And he never fails to make me laugh
He’s starting to be my other half.

And he doesn’t even know how much I cry
He just genuinely likes to say hi.
So forgive me if at his picture I stare,
I just finally have someone who cares.

So when life gets blue,
I’ll focus on you
Because your what’s good,
and what reminds me of that happiness where I once stood.


© LRose