

Just because I stay silent doesn't mean I don't feel it
Just because I let you doesn't mean anything
I'm not a hole meant for you to dump feelings and lies
I have feelings too!
I'm human !
I hurt !!
It pains me !
And then you say words that you're unsure of at me
Do you know how i feel?
Do you know the thoughts of sadness that run wild in my head ?!
Do you even bother to listen to both sides of the story?
NO !
Because she gets alll the glory
She says what she wants and thats it
Its like I don't exist anymore.
I don't want to be an excuse for her to be happy
An happiness that is based on lies
Lies that hurts me to the depths of my soul
Lies that make me feel less whole
Do you know how much it hurts?
Do you know how hard I fight to hold back the tears
Do you know how bad it hurts when you do this everytime?
No!..you don't
You know why?
Cause you never listen
And you never try to..