

In the realm of masculinity, a man stands tall,
With pride as his armor, he walks through it all.
With shoulders broad and a gaze so strong,
He carries himself with a confidence lifelong.

His pride, a flame burning deep within,
Fueling his ambitions, his will to win.
In every endeavor, he seeks to excel,
For he knows that within him, greatness dwells.

With every challenge, his spirit ignites,
He stands firm, ready to face any fights.
His chest puffed out, head held high,
His pride propels him to touch the sky.

But pride, a double-edged sword it can be,
For it blinds him to faults that others see.
In his quest for dominance, he may lose sight,
Of humility's wisdom, shining so bright.

For true strength lies not in unyielding pride,
But in the willingness to set it aside.
To recognize flaws, to embrace vulnerability,
Is to grow beyond the bounds of invincibility.

Let a man find pride in his kindness and grace,
In empathy, compassion, and love's embrace.
For true strength is found in acts of humility,
And in acknowledging the beauty of diversity.

So let him be proud, but with wisdom in tow,
Balancing his ego with the lessons he'll know.
For a man of true worth is one who can stride,
With pride that uplifts, not one that divides.

© Quite Winter