

Oh My Soul
Oh my soul
soaks in the hymns
of the wind.
I'm a servant
to a gentle breeze
counselling this mind in skin.
victim to sessons
lashing away layers
to break me in.
freeing my eyes
to see the face
of silent suffering.
Revealing what
I look like
behind the covering.
The strength
of my accomplishment,
the confidence
of my speech.
I'm just a man
God consistently
corrects without ceasing.
My ways
get In my way,
eroding accountability.
Who's watching me?
but I a leaf
in the waves of my whims.
And God
A gentleman
"You only find
when you're looking,
& I'm always willing to reveal
to an open heart"

I can't deny
the therapy.

© fruitfulodyssey
#Therapy #accountability #strength