

🔥 Fire 🔥
I will worship you for all Eternity!

How can I not for the brand new life you have given me?

It started with a seed I could not see, little did I know that's all I would need.

I shouted out from the rooftops to the Lord all of my sins, they came out like fire!

A brand new life begins!

See once that Fire burns within you want to be less like you and more like him.

Thank you Lord for all that you have freely given me.

I'm living on borrowed time. My once lifeless body should be 6 ft under.

You came out of nowhere in such a blunder and rescued me from the fire I would have lived for the rest of my life in.

This that I can never repay.

one day at a time I will try to do your bid and help another from that grave I was headed to.

I cannot forget that fire that you put inside of me. It made me become free.

Thank you Jesus for the cross and the death the horrible death that you took on yourself along with the sins of the world.

How can I not be thankful for that?
© Seadawn