

Almost 2 years ago
you came into my life.
I wasn't looking for an affair
And It turned out
You weren't either
so I guess
It was the kind of
friendship at first site.

A lot has changed
In these 2 years
I grew up and you did too.
Different opinions
Different passions
And Different goals
But we passed through'em all.

Just like everyone else
I have both
good and bad days.
Many people stayed
In my good memories
But you've been there in both,
You felt alive
And satisfied
When I was happy,
And you were the one
Who consoled me
When I felt sad and lonely.

Always ❤️
Unconditional ❤️
My buddy, my friend
That's how I describe you.

I can't imagine
And I don't want to
That what would've been my life
If 2 years ago
I wouldn't have met you.
Would there be any
Meaning of my existence
If I would've never saw you.

We both are crazy
We often get Lost
In this city of rush
But we always find a way to eachother
Cause we are eachother's home.
