

I wake up every morning with the same thought,
I want to be sober I think about it a lot
Several times I have given it a shot,
I keep failing which makes me feel distraught.
The tools I need are thíngs that are taught.

In order to change you must want to do it for yourself
I think it is time I do it for myself
Maybe it's time I push all the negativity to the back of the shelf,
Because every one is selfishly out for themself.
We must keep in mind time keeps moving forward all by itself.

I need to change the people places and things in my life too.
An extremely big rehabilitation process I would have to go through.
The only way to get sober, must be done solely for you.
Getting some help is what I want and need to do.

I'm done committing crime.
I'm done making poor decisions all of the time.
I'm done living this lifestyle, I'm 25 years old and in my prime.
Things can change at the drop of a dime.
Changing doesn't happen overnight, step by step to the top I will climb.

You must make small changes little by little, bit by bit.
Even during the tougher times you simply must not quit.
It's time to give up this crazy lifestyle and truly commit.
I need serious help I must admit.
My life is full of bullshit and I'm sick of it.

Sobriety is what I am striving for.
I want to live clean and sober more and more.
Right now I am making poor choices galore.
I miss the drug free life I once had before.
I'm adiment about not doing drugs anymore.

© Miss Riley