


a year ago

Threshold Crossin Blues

Threshold Crossing Blues

Wavering in the cross road I
Watched the chicken bet a crow.
As about what, that's a question
We all should know.

A mist between me this shadow and
Gravel. But sand blows as silt off a skill saws provisioned civil balanced battle.

It's a dark matter full of dread and destruction. Scientific America claims ozone healing is truly
Possible. Science told the man in the 20s
Decades ago.

The man as follows;

The Man of unanimous inconspicuous hidden business as private equity rates
cause chaotic collisions. Calmness was
Indecision under elite supervision.

What's the crook gone be?

I have to much honor honestly to disrespect those who represent integrity.

The law needs no voice all lying noise
You knew we had no choice.
Blissfully I say we're poised.
All us fallen no more but....if figuring out
That faith always counts was the secret
We wasted our minds trying and plaid...toys.

I the raven knock alas relief!......never more! Lest reapers and saints become in
A witches seasonal equinox.

Where is our obstruction and obstacles between our food. Resilience is vain if wise not clever. Intelligence is a false endeavour for such a simple mind cunning rather flocks of the feathers
Icarus's Elmer's glue held better.

Fly high or soar low birds in aerial shows
In patterns of cylindrical rhythms until the Vulcan with perfect wind slices into
Its prey unfortunate sparrow.

The end is for me humbly eating from my masters table.... then I stand by those who lap water nervously awaiting
Orders courageously as we our but dogs and obedient and worry about nothing but trust our master we love....dogs never know.

© a year ago, Andrew Severson
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