

Long Live, Mother Nature
From the dust of the Earth, formed a man,
Through the breath of Spirit, life began,
Man ruled over every creature creeping, green-growing and living,
Rainforest Trees rustled a whisper, "Long live to the Earthling!"

From the waters of the Sky and Sea, drylands flooded,
All living beings and plants were wiped out, but the Chosen survived,
It's the Greatest Story ever heard, yet the people never learned,
Rivers and Falls babbled a whisper, "Long live to the Mankind!"

From the airs of the Universe, shook the planet,
Global plague, infectious virus caused pandemic torment,
Breath of life turned into a breath of death,
Hills and Mountains echoed a whisper, "Long live, do not fret!"

From the fires of Thunder lightning bolts, bombed the World,
Seven Continents are at war, fighting with sticks and stones of fire,
Human race is threatened, even Kings and Queens were pierced,
Mother Earth cried an uproar, "Long live to the Whispering Nature!"

© eoskarlight
