

Born into a world of war, his father keeping the line
Sent to a quiet place, safe from land mines
Kept by his keepers, without a sibling left behind
And when the tragedy was over, he returned at the age of nine

Already by then, as a lad he realised
That not everyone sees, through his minds eye
Ability’s so unique, his senses multiplied
He felt that he should tell his mum, the secret he held inside

His wise mother of five, made him promise never to tell
She felt he was in danger, so moved her family away
In reality she need not worry, his powers Would serve him well
Remained under the radar, nobody could break his spell

He has no trouble with, what life throws his way
just becomes stronger with every passing day
With extra intuition, to avoid any delay
Retrocognition, gave him the first say

Enjoying all the fruits of life, but keeps it low key
Doesn’t use his powers for greed, not focusing on money
Just happy with enough, to raise a family
Never stepping out of line, using his gift responsibly
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