

Dissolution of Self

It was night ;
Darkness loomed thick in the air ,
With sparse stars, in the remote sky ,radiating dimly ,
I sat motionless on the chair , on the rooftop,
Overlooking a pond , choke full Of hyacinths and wild algae ,
As still and silent as a column in a colonnaded mausoleum .
I gazed overhead and saw the Moon , waxing slowly out of the scudding , foamy clouds .
An owl screeched in the distance , shaking me off my semi-trance-like-state .
My ears cocked and neck craned , I listened to the sounds of variegated nocturnal insects , intermingling in one single melodious harmony , perking up the esoteric charms of the night.
The night with all its disparate finite constituents seemed to merge into the infinity of Truth .
Standing slowly up , in ecstasy, from the chair , I felt my innermost being ,dissolving ---- like a tiny drop of rain ----- into the boundless ocean , becoming one with the One.

_________ D. S.