

I'm Sorry, But
"I'm sorry, but... you shouldn't have yelled."

"I'm sorry, but... you shouldn't have messed up."

Don't give me a "sorry" and then proceed to give me a hundred reasons why you shouldn't be sorry.

Are you sorry or not?

I don't need excuses. I'm not listening to your excuses because I already know what happened. I just need a sorry.

Telling me why you did it is one thing. But the more excuses you add, the less genuine the apology is.

If over half of the conversation is you telling me why I deserved the lie or why I deserved the yelling in my face, I don't want to hear it.

I'll say sorry if I need to. Don't try to do my part for me.

Genuine sorries will make a genuine relationship.

© Fuyu Ryuu