

Bare With Me
In the depths of my soul, a silent sea,
Where emotions swirl, yet never free,
Taught to bottle them, lock them tight,
Hide them away from day to night.

But what if the burden becomes too great,
And the bottles crack beneath their weight?
Where do the feelings rush and flow,
When the dam bursts, where do they go?

I yearn for a bottomless pit, unseen,
To cast these emotions, vast and keen,
A void to swallow the torrential rain,
Of joy, of sorrow, of lingering pain.

Yet, reality stands stark and clear,
No endless abyss to quench this fear,
No refuge from the storm within,
No easy way to cleanse all sins.

So here I stand, with heart laid bare,
Learning to navigate this flood of care,
To embrace each wave, each crashing tide,
Finding tranquility in the journey inside.

© sionx